Nov 2

Tv shows posted: Curb your enthusiasm ep 7 mad men ep 12 dexter ep 6

last race of the season! Formula 1 Abu Dhabi!


  1. Jolayne Said:

    Ok, I watched all 5 Saw’s, how crazy am I now? Sheesh. Of course now I need to see saw 6, so whenever you find a good one, I would love to see it. Thanks Brett

    • bradfazner Said:

      you are such a goof! i’ll see what i can get for ya

      • bradfazner Said:

        there is a version, but it stinks like poop

  2. Jolayne Said:

    I will wait for a good version unless I can get someone to go to the movie with me?? Any takers?

  3. bradfazner Said:

    you wanna pay i’m there! but i only go to movies at the theatre that i know will be amazing

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